You are cordely invited to This Art Fair, from 26 to 29 August, at the Kromhouthal Amsterdam. During the fair I will show my new film installation ‘Folding in Reverse’ and the performance ‘Error in Defoliation’.

The film installation is made of 3 porcelain panels with black/white film and audio. The porcelain panals were made during my artist-in-residence in Sundaymorning@EKWC (2020) and can be viewed in different ways due to the translucent effect. In this way I question the materiality of digital images. Now that we spend more time online and artworks mainly come to us digitally, I investigate the value of materials for sensory experience. The film installation shows dancers who playfully communicate in choreography through touch and feel.
The performance installation Error in Defoliation is the first act of a two-hour performance, in which the performer plays with their printed body parts. And wondering what’s real and what’s not real. Are these my body parts or is this just reproduction? The objects are made from CT- and MRI-scans, in collaboration with the TU Dresden (Germany), and printed in 3D ceramic prints. The work creates a surreal doubling effect that plays with questions about truth and fiction.
My film installation can be seen in Stand G, right-hand side of the walking route, in the middle of the fair.
Live performance will be shown in the Break Out Room on Friday, August 27, at 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Dancers: Ralph öllinger and Johanna Tenga
Editing: Ronald Bal
My work is supported by: het Mondriaan Fonds en CBK Rotterdam

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