The World in a Cocoon project (2020 – now):

My recent project World in a Cocoon acts as an umbrella for a growing series of project proposals to identify various concepts of the cocoon. The project features installations, performances, text-based and choreographic works, films, soundscapes and (online) conversations. In doing so, technology and natural resources (ceramics, wood, glass, etc.) are deployed in social simulations within public and private spaces. The film-installation Folding in Reverse is the first work based on the World in a Cocoon Project.

Folding in Reverse (2021)

3-channel video installation, sound, text. Projected on porcelain panels. Continuous loop.

Two dancers explore each other’s bodies. Are they instructed, is it work, is it curiosity, or is it intimacy? A mesmerizing endless loop, projected on 3 screens leaves the answer to the audience.

Cyber Story Series (2019 – now):

In the Cyber Story | Series project I investigate new relationships between nature and machine by converting 2D CT scans (Computer Tomography) into 3D ceramic prints. Now that artificial body parts can be cultivated in laboratories, the perception of the body in general, and of organs in particular, is changing. In my research, cyborg, the cybernetic organism, plays a key role, in which the cyborg is considered a hybrid machine and organism in one. The cyborg is a model for the mechanical expansion and metamorphosis of nature in the human body.

Film Catalysis, 2021, 20 minutes, Single Channel Digital Video with Audio
Ceramic objects: porcelain, Performance-Installation ‘Error in Defoliation’, AiR Sundaymorning@EKWC, 2021
Ceramic mask: Performance-Installation ‘Error in Defoliation’, AiR Sundaymorning@EKWC
Photo: Jiaojiao Li, 2020
Ceramic works: Performance-Installation ‘Error in Defoliation’, AiR Sundaymorning@EKWC, 2020
3D MRI scan, 2020

Spoken Word: Re-Presence

From Machine to Man to Machine to Machine to Machine to Man to Machine…

Cyber – Story – Inner Body (still)
Live Performance: Re-carving Body Plant Image, 2018-2019

Special thanks to:

Goethe-Institut Niederlande

Stroom Den Haag

CBK Rotterdam

City of Dresden


Technische Universität Dresden